Browse Books in History

Claiming the Land
British Columbia and the Making of a New El Dorado

The Unceasing Storm
Memories of the Chinese Cultural Revolution

Excessive Force
Toronto's Fight to Reform City Policing

Fashioning the Canadian Landscape
Essays on Travel Writing, Tourism, and National Identity in the Pre-Automobile Era

The Paraguayan War
Causes and Early Conduct, 2nd Edition

Like Everyone Else but Different
The Paradoxical Success of Canadian Jews

Resettling the Borderlands
State Relocations and Ethnic Conflict in the South Caucasus

Just Watch Us
RCMP Surveillance of the Women’s Liberation Movement in Cold War Canada

Just Watch Us
RCMP Surveillance of the Women's Liberation Movement in Cold War Canada

Like Everyone Else but Different
The Paradoxical Success of Canadian Jews, Second Edition

Soviet Destroyers of World War II

Report of an Inquiry into an Injustice
Begade Shutagot'ine and the Sahtu Treaty

Before and After the State
Politics, Poetics, and People(s) in the Pacific Northwest

Dignity Endures
Memoirs Of General Jean V. Allard
China's Intellectual Dilemma
Politics and University Enrolment, 1949-1978
Australia in World Affairs, 1966-1970

From Wall Street to Bay Street
The Origins and Evolution of American and Canadian Finance

The Oxford Illustrated History of the Third Reich

The Battle and the Legend

Versailles Meets the Taj Mahal
François Bernier, Marguerite de la Sablière, and Enlightening Conversations in Seventeenth-Century France

Rough Work
Labourers on the Public Works of British North America and Canada, 1841-1882

Courage, Sacrifice and Betrayal
The Story of the Victoria Rifles of Canada, 60th Battalion, in the First World War

Those Born at Koona
the totem poles of the Haida village Skedans, Haida Gwaii