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Browse Books in History

Breaking the Chains of Gravity

The Story of Spaceflight before NASA

by (author) Amy Shira Teitel

Joey Jacobson's War

A Jewish Canadian Airman in the Second World War

by (author) Peter J. Usher

Northern Star

J.S. Plaskett

by (author) R. Peter Broughton
foreword by James E. Hesser

The Diary of One Now Dead

by (author) Tom Drodge

The Diary of One Now Dead

The Crash of the Time's A Wastin' in Saglek, Labrador

by (author) Tom Drodge

China's Arctic Ambitions and What They Mean for Canada

by (author) P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Adam Lajeunesse, Frederic Lasserre & James Manicom

China's Arctic Ambitions and What They Mean for Canada

by (author) P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Adam Lajeunesse, Frederic Lasserre & James Manicom

First Kills

The Illustrated Biography of Fighter Pilot Wladek Gnys

by (author) Stefan Gnys

The Imperial Army Project

Britain and the Land Forces of the Dominions and India, 1902-1945

by (author) Douglas E. Delaney

Middleton & Rowley

Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse

by (author) David Nicol

From Loss to Liberation

by (author) Joseph Tomasov

Carry the Torch / A Lasting Legacy

by (author) Sam Weisberg & Johnny Jablon

Being Ts'elxwéyeqw

First Peoples' Voices and History from the Chilliwack-Fraser Valley, British Columbia

by (author) Tselxwéyeqw Tribe
edited by David M. Schaepe

Searching for Boko Haram

A History of Violence in Central Africa

by (author) Scott MacEachern

Flowers in the Wall

Truth and Reconciliation in Timor-Leste, Indonesia, and Melanesia

edited by David Webster

Sporting Cultures, 1650-1850

edited by Daniel O'Quinn & Alexis Tadie

Crerar’s Lieutenants

Inventing the Canadian Junior Army Officer, 1939-45

by (author) Geoffrey Hayes

Walter's Welcome

The Intimate Story of a German-Jewish Family's Flight from the Nazis to Peru

by (author) Eva Neisser Echenberg
with Judy Sklar Rasminsky

The Emperor’s Orphans

by (author) Sally Ito

Rescue at Moose River

Birthplace of on-the-spot-reporting

by (author) Blain Henshaw

In the Children's Best Interests

Unaccompanied Children in American-Occupied Germany, 1945-1952

by (author) Lynne Taylor

The Roots of Culture, the Power of Art

The First Sixty Years of the Canada Council for the Arts

by (author) Monica Gattinger

Les fondements de la culture, le pouvoir de l'art

Les soixante premières années du Conseil des arts du Canada

by (author) Monica Gattinger

Sex, Love, and Migration

Postsocialism, Modernity, and Intimacy from Istanbul to the Arctic

by (author) Alexia Bloch

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