Browse Books in History

For The Record

Unsung Heroes

Border Capitalism, Disrupted
Precarity and Struggle in a Southeast Asian Industrial Zone

The Canadian Kingdom
150 Years of Constitutional Monarchy

John A. MacDonald
The Young Politician, The Old Chieftain

Canadian Carnival Freaks and the Extraordinary Body, 1900-1970s

Fictive Orders and Feminine Religious Identities, 1200-1600

Merry Hell
The Story of the 25th Battalion (Nova Scotia Regiment), Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919

Ted Drover
Ships Artist

Ted Drover
Ships Artist

The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife
Failures of Principle and Policy

Reconsidering Radical Feminism
Affect and the Politics of Heterosexuality

Pay No Heed to the Rockets
Palestine in the Present Tense

Art for Animals
Visual Culture and Animal Advocacy, 1870-1914

Turbulent Empires
A History of Global Capitalism since 1945

White Point Then and Now
Ninety Years of Making Memories

The Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital

The History of a North American City

An Uncommon Road
How Canadian Sikhs Struggled Out of the Fringes and Into the Mainstream

The Never-Ending Present
The Story of Gord Downie and the Tragically Hip

Gold Creeks and Ghost Towns in BC
in British Columbia

Northwest Native Harvest

Citizens' Power in Latin America
Theory and Practice

James Cook
The Voyages