Browse Books in History

Alan Caswell Collier, Relief Stiff
An Artist’s Letters from Depression-Era British Columbia

Challengers of the Sea

The Wife's Tale
A Personal History

Blossoms in the Gold Mountains
Chinese Settlements in the Fraser Canyon and the Okanagan

Rough Work
Labourers on the Public Works of British North America and Canada, 1841-1882

Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens
A History of Native-Newcomer Relations in Canada, Fourth Edition

Carving a Niche
The Medical Profession in Mexico, 1800-1870

The Creator’s Game
Lacrosse, Identity, and Indigenous Nationhood

The Ash Wednesday Supper
A New Translation

Celebrating Canada
Commemorations, Anniversaries, and National Symbols

Other Diplomacies, Other Ties
Cuba and Canada in the Shadow of the US

The Riot at Christie Pits

Jack Fitzgerald's Treasury of Newfoundland Stories, Volume III
Classic Spy Tales and Epic Sea Adventures

Intellectual disability
A conceptual history, 1200-1900

Perogies and Politics
Canada's Ukrainian Left, 1891-1991

Minority Report
Mennonite Identities in Imperial Russia and Soviet Ukraine Reconsidered, 1789-1945

Roots of Entanglement
Essays in the History of Native-Newcomer Relations

Metis Pioneers
Marie Rose Delorme Smith and Isabella Clark Hardisty Lougheed
Threads in the Sash
The Story of the Métis People

To Live Like a Moor
Christian Perceptions of Muslim Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain

Au risque de la conversion
L'expérience québécoise de la mission au XXe siècle (1945-1980)

Au risque de la conversion
L'expérience québécoise de la mission au XXe siècle (1945–1980)

Hard Work Conquers All
Building the Finnish Community in Canada