Browse Books in History

The Practice of Socialist Internationalism
European Socialists and International Politics, 1914-1960

Ukraine and Europe
Cultural Encounters and Negotiations

a story of a heritage manor house on Vancouver Island

The Road to Armageddon
Paraguay Versus the Triple Alliance, 1866-70


A Novel of the 1918 Finnish Civil War

The Hundred-Year Trek
A History of Student Life at UBC

Fixing the Poor
Eugenic Sterilization and Child Welfare in the Twentieth Century

The Accidental Farmer
The Story of Ross Farm

China Gadabouts
New Frontiers of Humanitarian Nursing, 1941–51

Manila by Night

Boundless Dominion
Providence, Politics, and the Early Canadian Presbyterian Worldview

Leaving Christianity
Changing Allegiances in Canada since 1945

From Revolution to Ethics, Second Edition
May 1968 and Contemporary French Thought

From Revolution to Ethics
May 1968 and Contemporary French Thought, Second Edition

Ottawa, lieu de vie français

The Long-lost Memoir of Canada’s Artillery Commander in the Great War

George Fetherling's Travel Memoirs 3-Book Bundle
One Russia, Two Chinas / Running Away to Sea / Indochina Now and Then

Thirty Years in the Arctic Regions
The Narrative of a Polar Explorer

A History

Nova Scotia at War, 1914-1919

Reconstructing the Old Country
American Jewry in the Post-Holocaust Decades

Globalizing Confederation
Canada and the World in 1867

Breaking Disaster
Newspaper Stories of the Halifax Explosion