Browse Books in History

Carpathian Rus'
A Historical Atlas

Going Public
The Art of Participatory Practice

Give and Take
The Citizen-Taxpayer and the Rise of Canadian Democracy

Montreal, City of Water
An Environmental History

Guiding Modern Girls
Girlhood, Empire, and Internationalism in the 1920s and 1930s

Dalits and the Making of Modern India
The Rebirth of Bodh Gaya
Buddhism and the Making of a World Heritage Site

Creatures Born of Mud and Slime
The Wonder and Complexity of Spontaneous Generation

Iterations of Law
Legal Histories from India

Fernie at War

The Long-Lost Memoir of Canada's Artillery Commander in the Great War

Call of Empire
From the Highlands to Hindostan

The Cinderella Campaign
First Canadian Army and the Battles for the Channel Ports

The Spitfire Luck of Skeets Ogilvie
From the Battle of Britain to the Great Escape

Re-Creation, Fragmentation, and Resilience
A Brief History of Canada since 1945

Travellers Through Empire
Indigenous Voyages from Early Canada

The Legacy Letters
How Trauma Affects Our Lives

Becoming China
The Story Behind the State

Contract Workers, Risk, and the War in Iraq
Sierra Leonean Labor Migrants at US Military Bases

Victor and Evie
British Aristocrats in Wartime Rideau Hall

The Best of Robert Service

Roads to Confederation
The Making of Canada, 1867, Volume 1

A Hero for the Americas
The Legend of Gonzalo Guerrero

The Polar Adventures of a Rich American Dame
A Life of Louise Arner Boyd