Browse Books in History

Diplomacy and its Discontents

Canadian Foreign Policy, 1945-1954
Selected Speeches and Documents

One Country or Two?

Autumn of Central Paris
The Defeat of Town Planning, 1850-1970

On the Edge of the Shield
Fort Chipewyan and its Hinterland
The Mackenzie King Record Volume 4, 1947/48

Beyond the River and the Bay
Some Observations on the State of the Canadian Northwest in 1811 with a View to Providing the Intending Settler with an Intimate Knowledge of That Country

Roland-Michel Barrin de La Galissoniere 1693-1756

The Politics of Architecture
A history of modern architecture in Britain

Emery Bigot
Seventeenth-Century French Humanist
Visages de la civilisation au Canada français

Only to Serve
Selections from Addresses of Governor-General Georges P. Vanier
The Mackenzie King Record Volume 3, 1945/46

Emery Bigot
Seventeenth-Century French Humanist

Only to Serve
Selections from Addresses of Governor-General Georges P. Vanier

A Jamaican Plantation
The History of Worthy Park 1670-1970

The Politics of Architecture
A history of modern architecture in Britain

Beyond the River and the Bay
Some Observations on the State of the Canadian Northwest in 1811 with a View to Providing the Intending Settler with an Intimate Knowledge of That Country

Roland-Michel Barrin de La Galissoniere 1693-1756

The Czech Renascence of the Nineteenth Century

A Jamaican Plantation
The History of Worthy Park 1670-1970

Monck, Letters and Journals, 1863-1868
Canada From Government House at Confederation

Identity Captured by Law
An Essay on the Distribution of Incomes