Browse Books in History

Architecture and Urbanism in the French Atlantic Empire
State, Church, and Society, 1604-1830

Dalhousie University
A 200th Anniversary Portrait

The Tunis Crusade of 1270
A Mediterranean History

Alexander Graham Bell
The Spirit of Innovation

Buying Happiness
The Emergence of Consumer Consciousness in English Canada

Building Resistance
Children, Tuberculosis, and the Toronto Sanatorium

The Music of Our Burnished Axes
Songs and Stories of the Woods Workers of Newfoundland and Labrador
We Are Dancing for You
Native Feminisms and the Revitalization of Women's Coming-of-Age Ceremonies

British Columbia Burning

Life Embodied
The Promise of Vital Force in Spanish Modernity

Trail North
The Okanagan Trail of 1858–68 and Its Origins in British Columbia and Washington

Called to Serve
Georgina Pope, Canadian Military Nursing Heroine

Selling Out or Buying In?
Debating Consumerism in Vancouver and Victoria, 1945-1985

Halifax Explosion
Heroes and Survivors

A Mill Behind Every Stump

A Mill Behind Every Stump
The Okanagan Trail of 1858–68 and Its Origins in Washington and British Columbia

The Prairie Populist
George Hara Williams and the Untold Story of the CCF

Ranch in the Slocan
A Biography of a Kootenay Farm, 1896–2017

Challenging Theocracy
Ancient Lessons for Global Politics

Tracing Ochre
Changing Perspectives on the Beothuk

A History of Canada in Ten Maps
Epic Stories of Charting a Mysterious Land

The Terrific Engine
Income Taxation and the Modernization of the Canadian Political Imaginary

The Constant Liberal
Pierre Trudeau, Organized Labour, and the Canadian Social Democratic Left

The Promise of Canada
People and Ideas That Have Shaped Our Country