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Signature Editions

Books from this publisher

Cherry Bites

Norwood Flats Mystery, A

by (author) Alison Preston


by (author) George Payerle

Fleeting Years, The

A Mother's Journal

by (author) Laura Pratt

Piano Tuner, The

by (author) Robert Astle

No Safe House

by (author) Diane Poulin

Brevity of Red, The

by (author) Jill MacLean

That Singing You Hear at the Edges

by (author) Sue MacLeod

Elephant Street

by (author) Ron Charach

Cyclops Review, The

edited by Jon Paul Fiorentino
by (author) Stephanie Bolster, Daniel Brooks, Robert Budde, Jason Camlot, Corey Frost, Kate Hall, Adrienne Ho, Clive Holden, Catherine Hunter, Monique MacLeod, Daphne Marlatt, Chandra Mayor, Rob McLennan, David McGimpsy, Daniel David Moses, Hal Niedzviecki, John K. Samson, Steve Smith, Michelle Sterling & Kate Sterns

August Witch

by (author) Chandra Mayor

Snow Formations

by (author) Carolyn Marie Souaid


by (author) Susan Gillis

Geranium Girls, The

Norwood Flats Mystery, A

by (author) Alison Preston

Transcona Fragments

by (author) Jon Paul Fiorentino

Radio & Other Miracles

by (author) Terrance Cox

All Pure Souls

Aliette Nouvelle Mystery, An

by (author) John Brooke

Gaston Petit - The Kimono and the Cross

Interview With an Artist in Japan

by (author) Linda Ghan & Gaston Petit

Theatre Without Borders

by (author) Robert Astle

Trains of Winnipeg

by (author) Clive Holden


A Meditation on Oppression, Desire and Freedom

by (author) Anne Szumigalski

Necropsy of Love

by (author) Al Purdy

Setting Lake Sun, The

by (author) J.R. Léveillé
translated by S.E. Stewart


by (author) Ron Charach

Walking on Water

by (author) Dave Carley

Rain Barrel Baby, The

Norwood Flats Mystery, A

by (author) Alison Preston

Rush Hour

by (author) Catherine Hunter

Emphysema (A Love Story)

(A Love Story)

by (author) Janet Munsil

Any Mail? and Other Stories

by (author) Gerald Tougas
translated by Rachelle Renaud

Venus of Dublin

by (author) Marianne Ackerman

Swimming Among the Ruins

by (author) Susan Gillis

Voice of Aliette Nouvelle, The

An Aliette Nouvelle Mystery

by (author) John Brooke

Yellowknife Journal, The

by (author) Jean Steinbruck
translated by Karen Haughian

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