MIT Press
Books from this publisher
Ethics in Everyday Places
Mapping Moral Stress, Distress, and Injury
Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, third edition
The Eugenic Mind Project
The Fabric of Interface
Mobile Media, Design, and Gender
How Games Move Us
Emotion by Design
Play Matters
Conceptual Innovation in Environmental Policy
The Commons in History
Culture, Conflict, and Ecology
The Greenest Nation?
A New History of German Environmentalism
What a City Is For
Remaking the Politics of Displacement
Super Power, Spoony Bards, and Silverware
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Ecstatic Worlds
Media, Utopias, Ecologies
Thinking as Computation
A First Course
Macroeconomic Essentials, fourth edition
Understanding Economics in the News
The Unreliable Nation
Hostile Nature and Technological Failure in the Cold War
A Mark of the Mental
In Defense of Informational Teleosemantics
Global Health Informatics
Principles of eHealth and mHealth to Improve Quality of Care
Third Person
Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives
Mind in Architecture
Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the Future of Design
Models of Innovation
The History of an Idea
The Embodied Mind, revised edition
Cognitive Science and Human Experience
The Social Turn in Moral Psychology
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, fourth edition
Perturbations, Optimization, and Statistics
Deep Learning
From Participation to Interaction in Contemporary Art
Multiagent Systems, second edition
Rebel Genius
Warren S. McCulloch's Transdisciplinary Life in Science
The Public Life of Photographs
Body Sweats
The Uncensored Writings of Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven
Bibliometrics and Research Evaluation
Uses and Abuses
The Rationality Quotient
Toward a Test of Rational Thinking