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MIT Press

Books from this publisher

Let Geography Die

Chasing Derwent’s Ghost at Harvard

by (author) Alison Mountz & Kira Williams

Psychopathy Unmasked

The Rise and Fall of a Dangerous Diagnosis

by (author) Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen

A Variability Quantifier

edited by Liam Gillick, Josee Drouin Brisebois, Nicolaus Schafhausen & Claire Shea

Ecologies of Artistic Practice

Rethinking Cultural Economies through Art and Technology

by (author) Ashley Lee Wong


When Pandemic Risk Meets Speculative Finance--A Cautionary Tale

by (author) Susan Erikson

The Theory of Deliberative Wisdom

by (author) Eric Racine

Principles of Biological Autonomy, a new annotated edition

by (author) Francisco J. Varela
foreword by Amy Cohen Varela
edited by Ezequiel A. Di Paolo & Evan Thompson

Picturing Aura

A Visual Biography

by (author) Jeremy Stolow

Deflating Mental Representation

by (author) Frances Egan

Albert Kahn Inc.

Architecture, Labor, and Industry, 1905-1961

by (author) Claire Zimmerman

Streaming by the Rest of Us

Microstreaming Videogames on Twitch

by (author) Mia Consalvo, Marc Lajeunesse & Andrei Zanescu

Titans of Industrial Agriculture

How a Few Giant Corporations Came to Dominate the Farm Sector and Why It Matters

by (author) Jennifer Clapp

Lost Days, Endless Nights

Photography and Film from Los Angeles

by (author) Andrew Witt

Interrogative Design

edited by Ian Wojtowicz

Darwinizing Gaia

Natural Selection and Multispecies Community Evolution

by (author) W. Ford Doolittle

Graph Vision

Digital Architecture’s Skeletons

by (author) Theodora Vardouli

Daydreaming in the Solar System

Surfing Saturn's Rings, Golfing on the Moon, and Other Adventures in Space Exploration

by (author) John E. Moores & Jesse Rogerson
foreword by Robert J. Sawyer
illustrated by Michelle D. Parsons

Relational Aesthetics

foreword by Nicolas Bourriaud
translated by Denyse Beaulieu

An Opera for Animals

edited by Cosmin Costinas & Claire Shea

It Goes without Saying

Taking the Guesswork Out of Your PhD in Engineering

by (author) Caroline Boudoux
foreword by Eric Mazur

The Science of Sadness

A New Understanding of Emotion

by (author) David Huron

Gaia's Web

How Digital Environmentalism Can Combat Climate Change, Restore Biodiversity, Cultivate Empathy, and Regenerate the Earth

by (author) Karen Bakker

Body in Trouble

Body in Trouble

by (author) Nadia Belerique
edited by Nicolaus Schafhausen & Claire Shea


A Visual Odyssey

by (author) Erika Dyck

The Evolution of Techniques

Rigidity and Flexibility in Use, Transmission, and Innovation

edited by Mathieu Charbonneau

The Ghost in the Addict

by (author) Shepard Siegel

The Blind Spot

Why Science Cannot Ignore Human Experience

by (author) Adam Frank, Marcelo Gleiser & Evan Thompson

Run and Jump

The Meaning of the 2D Platformer

by (author) Peter D. McDonald

A Woman's Right to Know

Pregnancy Testing in Twentieth-Century Britain

by (author) Jesse Olszynko-Gryn


A Cartography

edited by Greg Bird & Giovanbattista Tusa

Understanding Deep Learning

by (author) Simon J.D. Prince

Subject Matter

The Anaesthetics of Habit and the Logic of Breakdown

by (author) Aron Vinegar

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