MIT Press
Books from this publisher
Built upon Love
Architectural Longing after Ethics and Aesthetics
Energy in Nature and Society
General Energetics of Complex Systems
Youth, Identity, and Digital Media
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, third edition
The Monograph
The Evolution of Morality
Lost Between the Edges
Art After Conceptual Art
The Governance of Privacy
Policy Instruments in Global Perspective
Handbook of Functional Neuroimaging of Cognition, second edition
The Digital Sublime
Myth, Power, and Cyberspace
Windows and Mirrors
Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency
Energy at the Crossroads
Global Perspectives and Uncertainties
Mind, second edition
Introduction to Cognitive Science
The Mathematics of Marriage
Dynamic Nonlinear Models
On the Foreignness of Film
Reconstructing Reason and Representation
Enriching the Earth
Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production
Baroness Elsa
Gender, Dada, and Everyday Modernity-A Cultural Biography
The Earth's Biosphere
Evolution, Dynamics, and Change
Nature by Design
People, Natural Process, and Ecological Restoration
Cycles of Contingency
Developmental Systems and Evolution
Vision and Mind
Selected Readings in the Philosophy of Perception
Coherence in Thought and Action
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS)
Feeding the World
A Challenge for the Twenty-First Century
The Origins of Music
Knowledge in Action
Logical Foundations for Specifying and Implementing Dynamical Systems
Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound
An Introduction to Psychoacoustics
Sex and Cognition
An Illustrated Guide to the Biosphere and Civilization
Unsupervised Learning
Foundations of Neural Computation