Books from this publisher


The Handover
How Bigwigs and Bureaucrats Transferred Canada's Best Publisher and the Best Part of Our Literary Heritage to a Foreign Multinational

First Things First: Selected Stories

Border Cities Powerhouse
The Rise of Windsor: 1901-1945

The Discovery of Honey

Blue Field

From the Vault, Volume II
1950 – 1980

Essays on Contemporary Canadian Fiction

Early London 1826-1914
A Photographic History from the Orr Collection

The Best of Writers & Company

Let The Empire Down


Lives of the Poets (with Guitars)

Bad Things Happen

He Wants

Vital Signs: Collected Novellas

The Signal-Man

One Who Saw
A Ghost Story for Christmas

Frankie Styne & the Silver Man

The Best of Windsor Cookbook

Canada Made Me

Zoroaster's Children

Measure Yourself Against the Earth

The Orange Grove

Martin John


The Culture and Credo of the Gun

Cape Breton is the Thought Control Center of Canada

The Video Watcher

The Camera Always Lies


Bonobo Inc
The Race to Save Bonobos in the Congo and Make Conservation Go Viral