Jean Little
Books by Jean Little

Dans les yeux d'Anna

Mine for Keeps
Puffin Classics Edition

From Anna (50th Anniversary Edition)

A Long Way Home

Le long chemin

Harry's Hiccups Read-Along

Harry's Hiccups

Listen for the Singing

Dear Canada: Hoping for Home
Stories of Arrival

Once Upon a Golden Apple
25th Anniversary Edition

Pippin the Christmas Pig

Hand in Hand
Inspired by the real-life story of Helen Keller and Martha Washington

Dear Canada: Exiles from the War
The War Guest Diary of Charlotte Mary Twiss, Guelph, Ontario, 1940

Dear Canada: A Time for Giving: Ten Tales of Christmas

Do Not Open Until Christmas

Dear Canada: All Fall Down
The Landslide Diary of Abby Roberts, Frank, District of Alberta, 1902

Mama's Going To Buy You a Mockingbird
Puffin Classics Edition

On a Snowy Night

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 1 - Un Noël de réconfort

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 10 - Comme les doigts de la main
Dix récits choisis

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 10: Like a Stack of Spoons

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 1: Untangling Christmas

Cher Journal : Mes frères au front
Élisa Bates, au temps de la Première Guerre mondiale, Uxbridge, Ontario, 1916

Cher Journal : Si je meurs avant le jour
Fiona Macgregor, au temps de la grippe espagnole, Toronto, Ontario, 1918

Cher Journal : Noëls d'antan
Dix récits choisis

Dear Canada: If I Die Before I Wake
The Flu Epidemic Diary of Fiona Macgregor, Toronto, Ontario, 1918

Dancing Through the Snow

Dear Canada: A Season for Miracles
Twelve Tales of Christmas

Dear Canada: Brothers Far From Home
The World War I Diary of Eliza Bates, Uxbridge, Ontario, 1916

Dear Canada: A Christmas to Remember
Tales of Comfort and Joy

From Anna


Cher Journal : Terre d'accueil, terre d'espoir
Onze récits
Dear Canada 10th Anniversary Collection (10 Books)

Dear Canada: Orphan at My Door
The Home Child Diary of Victoria Cope, Guelph, Ontario, 1897
Baby's First French Christmas

Mine for Keeps

The Sweetest One of All

Stand in the Wind

Cher Journal : Le temps des réjouissances
Dix récits de Noël

Lost and Found

Forward, Shakespeare!

Different Dragons
Somebody Elses Summer

Dear Canada Collector's Set #2
Brothers Far From Home/Whispers of War

Rescue Pup

The Birthday Girl

Le Noël de Pétunia

Dear Canada Collector's Set #1
A Prairie as Wide as the Sea/Orphan at My Door

Birdie for Now

Willow and Twig

What Will the Robin Do Then
I Know An Old Laddie
Stars Come Out Within
Belonging Place
Spring Begins in March

His Banner Over Me
Jenny And The Hannukkah Queen
Jess Was The Brave One
One To Grow On
Little By Little A Memoir
Mamas Going to Buy You a Mockingbird