Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Visionary Spenser and the Poetics of Early Modern Platonism
A Literary History of Subversion and Control
The Story of CanLit
Desire Lines
Essays on Art, Poetry & Culture
The Bush Garden
Essays on the Canadian Imagination
Violence Against Indigenous Women
Literature, Activism, Resistance
A Legend of the Micmac
War Is Here
The Vietnam War and Canadian Literature
Collected Works of Erasmus
Prolegomena to the Adages
Literary / Liberal Entanglements
Toward a Literary History for the Twenty-First Century
Literary Titans Revisited
The Earle Toppings Interviews with CanLit Poets and Writers of the Sixties
Graphic Novels as Philosophy
From Oral to Written
A Celebration of Indigenous Literature in Canada, 1980–2010
J. J. Steinfeld
Essays on His Works
Is Shylock Jewish?
Citing Scripture and the Moral Agency of Shakespeare's Jews
Home Words
Discourses of Children’s Literature in Canada
The Elephants in My Backyard
A Memoir
Paddling Her Own Canoe
The Times and Texts of E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
Preserving on Paper
Seventeenth-Century Englishwomen's Receipt Books
Biblical Epics in Late Antiquity and Anglo-Saxon England
Divina in Laude Voluntas
Jim Shooter
With the Witnesses
Poetry, Compassion, and Claimed Experience
Remembering Air India
The Art of Public Mourning
Canadian Performance Histories and Historiograpies
New Essays on Canadian Theatre Volume 7