Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Writing Alberta
Building on a Literary Identity
Milton's Leveller God
Indigenous Women's Writing and the Cultural Study of Law
The New Spice Box
Canadian Jewish Writing, Volume 1
TransCanadian Feminist Fictions
New Cross-Border Ethics
Odysseys Home
Mapping African-Canadian Literature
Northern Voices
Inuit Writings in English
Teenage Writings
Margaret Laurence Writes Africa and Canada
Margaret Laurence Writes Africa and Canada
Lead Like a Superhero
What Pop Culture Icons Can Teach Us About Impactful Leadership
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Earle Birney and the Radical 1930s
L.M. Montgomery and War
Eleanor H. Porter's Pollyanna
A Children's Classic at 100
The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen
Awesome Female Characters from Comic Book History
The Art of Subtraction
Digital Adaptation and the Object Image
The Making of Modern Poetry in Canada
Essential Commentary on Poetry in English, Third edition
Making of Modern Poetry in Canada
Essential Commentary on Poetry in English, Third edition
Energy Humanities
An Anthology
Space Between Her Lips
The Poetry of Margaret Christakos
Gutenberg’s Fingerprint
Paper, Pixels and the Lasting Impression of Books
Gutenberg’s Fingerprint
Paper, Pixels and the Lasting Impression of Books
A Croce Reader
Aesthetics, Philosophy, History, and Literary Criticism