Browse Books in Literary Criticism

The Supplement of Reading
Figures of Understanding in Romantic Theory and Practice

The Additional Journals and Letters of Frances Burney
Volume II: 1791-1840

Aristotle's Science of Matter and Motion

Northrop Frye's Writings on Shakespeare and the Renaissance

An Informal History of the Hugos
A Personal Look Back at the Hugo Awards, 1953-2000

Second Words
Selected Critical Prose 1960–1982

One Day We'll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter

Literary Impostors
Canadian Autofiction of the Early Twentieth Century

William Blake's Gothic imagination
Bodies of horror

Open Houses
Poverty, the Novel, and the Architectural Idea in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Folk and Fairy Tales - Fifth Edition

Comics and Adaptation

The Portrayal of Jews in Modern Biełarusian Literature

The Portrayal of Jews in Modern Bielarusian Literature

Erasmus and His Books

Les fables canadiennes de Jules Verne
Discorde et concorde dans une autre Amérique

Q2Q: Queer Canadian Theatre and Performance
New Essays on Canadian Theatre Volume 8

Black Like Who?
20th anniversary edition

Ornithologies of Desire
Ecocritical Essays, Avian Poetics, and Don McKay

Basements and Attics, Closets and Cyberspace
Explorations in Canadian Women’s Archives


Out of Line
Daring to be an Artist Outside the Big City

The Subtle Knot
Early Modern English Literature and the Birth of Neuroscience

Freud and Monotheism
Moses and the Violent Origins of Religion