Browse Books in Literary Criticism

The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 2357 to 2471, Volume 17

Body Sweats
The Uncensored Writings of Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven

Translocated Modernisms
Paris and Other Lost Generations

Where the Truth Lies
Selected Essays

Elf Queens and Holy Friars
Fairy Beliefs and the Medieval Church

A Survey and a Grammar, Second Edition

The Complete Poems of George Whalley

Flying Saucers Are Real!

Garage Criticism
Missives in the Age of Distraction

The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, Volume 3
The Satyres

Dictionary of Cape Breton English

Romantic Prophecy and the Resistance to Historicism

Theater and Spectacle in the Art of the Roman Empire

A Journey in Translation
Anne Hébert's Poetry in English

The Flowering of Modern Chinese Poetry
An Anthology of Verse from the Republican Period

Ancestral Recall
The Celtic Revival and Japanese Modernism

The Letter and the Cosmos
How the Alphabet Has Shaped the Western View of the World

A Women's History

In Search of Chaucer

The German Novel, 1939-1944

Rhythm in the Novel

The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Latin Literature

Learn, Teach, Challenge
Approaching Indigenous Literatures

Poets, Players, and Preachers
Remembering the Gunpowder Plot in Seventeenth-Century England