Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Space Between Her Lips
The Poetry of Margaret Christakos

Gutenberg’s Fingerprint
Paper, Pixels and the Lasting Impression of Books

Gutenberg’s Fingerprint
Paper, Pixels and the Lasting Impression of Books

A Croce Reader
Aesthetics, Philosophy, History, and Literary Criticism

The Birth of Homeopathy out of the Spirit of Romanticism

Faithful Labourers: A Reception History of Paradise Lost, 1667-1970
Volume I: Style and Genre; Volume II: Interpretative Issues

Flora Annie Steel
A Critical Study of an Unconventional Memsahib

Beyond "Understanding Canada"
Transnational Perspectives on Canadian Literature

Monsters and Monstrosity in 21st-Century Film and Television

Essays on Contemporary Canadian Fiction

Shakespeare and Canada
Remembrance of Ourselves

Robert Kroetsch
Essays on His Works

The Burgess Shale
The Canadian Writing Landscape of the 1960s

Edgar Allan Poe, Eureka, and Scientific Imagination

Alice Munro’s Miraculous Art
Critical Essays

Making Canada New
Editing, Modernism, and New Media

Renaissance Texts, Medieval Subjectivities
Rethinking Petrarchan Desire from Wyatt to Shakespeare

Borges and Kafka
Sons and Writers

Staging the Trials of Modernism
Testimony and the British Modern Literary Consciousness

Literary Celebrity in Canada

Fueling Culture
101 Words for Energy and Environment

Les littératures franco-canadiennes à l’épreuve du temps

Hit the Road, Jack
Essays on the Culture of the American Road