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Children's Fiction General

I Am Canada: A Celebration

A Celebration

by (author) Heather Patterson

illustrated by Jon Klassen, Barbara Reid, Marie-Louise Gay, Danielle Daniel, Genevieve Cote, Ashley Spires, Qin Leng, Jeremy Tankard, Ruth Ohi, Irene Luxbacher, Eva Campbell, Cale Atkinson & Doretta Groenendyk

Scholastic Canada Ltd
Initial publish date
May 2020
General, General, Diversity & Multicultural
  • Board book

    Publish Date
    May 2020
    List Price

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Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

  • Age: 0
  • Grade: p to 12


A board book edition of this beautiful picture book — featuring artwork by Canada’s finest illustrators!


What is being a Canadian kid all about?

Simple text describes the ample space available to our children in this country, and the freedom they have to grow and dream and share. With artwork from 13 of Canada’s finest illustrators, each page is a celebration and a reminder of the infinite variety of our home and native land.

Heather Patterson’s free verse poem I Am Canada, originally published in 1996, speaks to a new generation in this perfect toddler gift. Bright illustrations by some of Canada’s best children’s book creators provide a view of different art styles, highlighting Canada’s diversity in a very special way.

About the authors

HEATHER PATTERSON is the author of Thanks for Thanksgiving, Pioneer Christmas Crafts, A Poppy Is to Remember and Canada From Above, all published by Scholastic Canada, Ltd. A former elementary school teacher and children's book editor, Heather is a fiercely proud Canadian. She lives in Etobicoke, Ontario.

Heather Patterson's profile page

JON KLASSEN est le créateur de Rendez-moi mon chapeau!, classé numéro un au palmarès du New York Times et qui lui a valu le Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor, ainsi que des livres complémentaires Ce n’est pas mon chapeau, pour lequel il a reçu la médaille Caldecott et la médaille Kate Greenaway, et Nous avons trouvé un chapeau, nommé meilleur livre pour enfants de l’année par le Publishers Weekly. Il a aussi écrit et illustré Le rocher tombé du ciel et illustré Les trois boucs et le troll, Triangle, Carré et Cercle, Le loup, le canard et la souris et Max et Sam creusent, creusent, creusent… tous écrits par Mac Barnett. Originaire de Niagara Falls, Jon Klassen vit maintenant à Los Angeles.



Jon Klassen is an animator and Governor General's Award-winning creator of children's books. His book This Is Not My Hat won both the American Caldecott Medal and the British Kate Greenway Medal, making Jon the first person to win both awards for the same work. Jon was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and currently resides in Los Angeles.

Jon Klassen's profile page


Barbara Reid réalise des illustrations avec de la pâte à modeler pour ensuite laisser le soin à son conjoint, Ian Chrisler de les photographier. Barbara a signé plusieurs livres à titre d'auteure malgré qu'elle avoue ne pas éprouver autant de plaisir à écrire une histoire qu'à l'illustrer. Elle a gagné plusieurs prix dont le prix du Gouverneur général et en 2014, le prix Libris dans la catégorie album illustré. Elle est aussi membre de l'Ordre de l'Ontario et de l'Ordre du Canada. Barbara vit à Toronto.


BARBARA REID is one of Canada’s most renowned creators of picture books, including Picture the Sky (Imagine le ciel), Picture a Tree, Perfect Snow and The Party. Her vibrant dimensional illustrations make her work a favourite around the world, and she has received many honours and awards, including the Governor General’s Award, the UNICEF Ezra Jack Keats Award, the Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Illustrator’s Award and CBC’s Fan Choice Award. In 2013, Barbara was made a member of the Order of Canada for her contributions to the Canadian children’s literature community. She lives in Toronto, Ontario with her husband, photographer Ian Crysler. Visit her at


Barbara Reid's profile page

MARIE-LOUISE GAY has achieved international acclaim as an author and illustrator of children’s books. She has won many awards, including two Governor General’s awards, the Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver Award, the Vicky Metcalf Award and the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award. She has also been nominated for the prestigious Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award and the Hans Christian Andersen Award. Marie-Louise’s very popular Stella and Sam series has been translated into more than fifteen languages and is loved by children all over the world. Her recent books include Any Questions? and Short Stories for Little Monsters. She lives in Montreal.

Marie-Louise Gay's profile page


Danielle Daniel est une artiste métisse multidisciplinaire. Elle a écrit Parfois je suis un renard pour encourager son jeune fils à découvrir ses racines autochtones. Enseignante pendant de nombreuses années, Danielle travaille maintenant comme professeur d'art à temps partiel au Canada et aux États-Unis. Elle habite dans le nord de l'Ontario.


Danielle Daniel is an author and artist whose first picture book, Parfois je suis un renard, won the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award and was shortlisted for the First Nation Communities Read Award for aboriginal literature. A former elementary school teacher, Danielle is pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing through the University of British Columbia. Danielle lives in Sudbury, Ontario.


Danielle Daniel's profile page



Enfant, Geneviève Côté adorait dessiner. Elle s'inventait des histoires simplement pour le plaisir de les illustrer. Au fil des ans, elle a continué à nourrir sa passion pour le dessin et les arts, si bien qu'elle a décidé d'en faire une carrière. Après avoir étudié les arts et la communication au Cégep, elle a terminé, en 1987, un baccalauréat en infographie à l'Université Concordia, à Montréal. Geneviève a illustré plus de 25 livres pour enfants. Comme auteure-illustratrice, elle a publié chez Scholastic Quel éléphant? et Je suis là, Petit Lundi. Elle a reçu le Prix du Gouverneur général pour ses illustrations en 2007. Geneviève vit à Montréal et travaille dans un atelier du centre-ville.


Geneviève Côté
studied art and graphic design at Concordia University in Montreal. She has
illustrated numerous books for children. She also enjoys writing her own
stories: Quel éléphant? (What Elephant?) and Je suis là, petit Lundi (With You Always, Little Monday)
were the first books that she both wrote and illustrated. Côté's editorial
art has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe and other
publications. Her books have received three nominations for the Governor
General's Award for Illustration, one of which she went on to win. She has
also won the Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver Award.


Genevieve Cote's profile page


Ashley Spires est diplômé de l'Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design. Artiste touche à tout, elle a créé des sites Internet, des livres et des marionnettes. Elle est auteure et illustratrice de plusieurs livres dont Quel génie!, la série Basile le chat de l'espace,Petit Paul, Chien recherche garçon et André est débordé. Ashley a également illustré Le Labo des malins par Shar Levine et Leslie Johnstone. Elle vit à Delta, en Colombie-Britannique.


Ashley Spires earned her BFA at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and went on to earn a graduate diploma in illustration from Sheridan College. She is also the illustrator of Binky the Space Cat. Ashley lives in British Columbia, but you can find her at

Ashley Spires' profile page

Qin Leng was born in Shanghai, China. At the age of five, she moved with her family to Bordeaux, France, where she spent the next four years. Soon after, she moved to Montreal, where she spent the rest of her childhood. Having been born in Asia but raised in the West, she uses both cultures as her source of inspiration. Looking at her illustrations, one can see the presence of both East and West.Qin Leng comes from a family of artists, where the visual senses have always been of the utmost importance. She grew up watching her father work with acrylics, pastel, and ink. Father and daughter often spent their days drawing side by side. Drawing first started as a hobby, but soon became a way of expression.Despite her many years of study to become a biologist, Qin decided at the age of 20 to follow the same path as her father and enrolled in the School of Cinema to study Film Animation at Concordia University. She has produced animated shorts, which were nominated in various nationa

Qin Leng's profile page

JEREMY TANKARD est le créateur de Gros grognon, un livre favori du Los Angeles Times, et de ses compagnons Gros bobo, Gros gâté et Gros dodo. Il vit à Vancouver avec sa femme et ses deux enfants


Jeremy Tankard is the creator of the Los Angeles Times Favorite Book Grumpy Bird and its companions Boo Hoo Bird, Hungry Bird, and Sleepy Bird, and the illustrator of several acclaimed picture books, including Rachel Vail’s Piggy Bunny and David LaRochelle’s It's a Tiger!. The beloved Bird books are bestsellers in Tankard’s native Canada. He lives in Vancouver with his wife and two children.

Jeremy Tankard's profile page



Ruth Ohi a illustré plus de 50 livres pour enfants et est l'auteure de certains d'entre eux. Ses livres, traduits en plusieurs langues, se vendent à travers le monde et ont figuré sur la liste de plusieurs prix littéraires prestigieux. Elle vit avec sa famille à Toronto.


RUTH OHI has illustrated more than fifty children’s books — several of which she has also written, including Fox and Squirrel, Fox and Squirrel Make a Friend, Shh! My Brother’s Napping, and Scribble. Her books have been nominated for many prestigious awards, including the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award, Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Award, Mr. Christie’s Award, Chocolate Lily, Shining Willow, Blue Spruce and the Governor General’s Award. She lives with her family, and many backyard squirrels, in Toronto, Ontario. Visit her online at

Ruth Ohi's profile page

IRENE LUXBACHER est à la fois auteure, illustratrice et artiste. Elle a publié de nombreux livres d’activités artistiques et albums jeunesse dont Le jardin imaginaire de grand-papa, d’Andrew Larsen, mis en nomination pour le Prix du Gouverneur général dans la catégorie illustrations. Irene habite à Toronto où elle travaille actuellement à la création de nouveaux tableaux et albums.


IRENE LUXBACHER was nominated for the Governor General’s Award for her illustrations in Andrew Larsen’sThe Imaginary Garden (Le jardin imaginaire de grand-papa). She has illustrated several other picture books, including Mittens to Share (Une mitaine pour deux), The Heart’s Song (Le grand cœur de madame Lili), as well as her own picture books Once I Was a Bear (Lorsque j’étais un ours…) and Mattoo, Let’s Play! (Viens jouer, Matou!). She lives in Toronto, Ontario with her husband and young son. You can learn more about her work at

Irene Luxbacher's profile page

EVA CAMPBELL is an artist and illustrator who teaches visual art. She has exhibited her work in Canada, the US, the UK, Barbados and Ghana. Eva won the Children’s Africana Book Award for her illustrations in The Matatu by Eric Walters. She also illustrated Africville by Shauntay Grant, winner of the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award and the Lillian Shepherd Memorial Award for Excellence in Illustration, and a Governor General’s Literary Award finalist. Eva lives in Victoria.


Eva Campbell's profile page


Cale Atkinson est illustrateur, auteur et animateur. Ses oeuvres se retrouvent dans des livres pour enfants, des courts-métrages, des jeux et à la télévision. Il a signé les illustrations de l'album If I Had a Gryphon de Vikki VanSickle. Cale habite à Kelowna, en Colombie-Britannique.


Cale Atkinson is an illustrator, writer, animator whose work can be found in children's books, animated shorts, television, and games. Cale is the illustrator of If I Had a Gryphon by Vikki VanSickle. He lives in Kelowna, British Columbia.


Cale Atkinson's profile page

Doretta Groenendyk, a painter, writer, and teacher, lives with her husband and three children on a small spot of land in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. Doretta is the author and illustrator of several children’s books by both The Acorn Press and Nimbus Publishing. Snow for Christmas, Thank You for My Bed, and I’m Drawing a Picture, have been shortlisted for the Lillian Shepherd Memorial Award for Illustration. She also co­wrote Spin to Sea with her daughter Izra Fitch.

Doretta Groenendyk's profile page


  • Commended, Resource Links, Best of the Year
  • Commended, Best Books for Kids and Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre
  • Commended, Toronto Public Library First & Best booklist
  • Commended, Toronto Public Library First & Best Booklist

Editorial Reviews

Praise for I Am Canada:

Each spread is unique and recognizable to fans of these artists, yet the overall presentation is surprisingly cohesive, unified by the themes of diversity, landscapes, and positivity. ... I Am Canada is a beautiful book that belongs in all Canadian collections. Highly Recommended.” CM: Canadian Review of Materials

“This charming book is a celebration of both Canada and Canadian illustrators from across the country, with varied backgrounds, styles and perspectives... an inspired interpretation of this lovely poem, a cohesive vision of what it means to be Canadian, created by 13 remarkable illustrators. The diversity in illustration styles fittingly reflects the diversity of our home and native land — its landscapes, flora and fauna and, of course, its people. Each illustration is a joy to behold and will captivate readers young and old. The cheerful, buoyant children who dance across the pages are explorers and dreamers; they are sharing, playing, learning and contemplating. [T]his is a perfect book for our sesquicentennial, a wonderful resource kindling discussion about the deeper meanings of being Canadian.” — Canadian Children’s Book News, Red Leaf Literature reviews

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