Jon Klassen
Books by Jon Klassen

We Found a Hat


Le rocher tombé du ciel

Los tres chivitos Gruff (The Three Billy Goats Gruff)

Comment fait le père Noël pour passer par la cheminée?

How Does Santa Go Down the Chimney?

Le crâne

The Skull
A Tyrolean Folktale

The Skull (Canadian Edition)
A Tyrolean Folktale

Les trois boucs et le troll

The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Unabridged edition)

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The JOY Half-Diet

Egg Marks the Spot
Skunk and Badger 2

Pax, Journey Home CD

Pax, Journey Home

El ladron del sombrero

The Rock from the Sky (Canadian Edition)

Yo quiero mi sombrero
Skunk and Badger (Skunk and Badger 1)

Skunk and Badger

Le Canada, c'est moi

I Am Canada: A Celebration
A Celebration

Jon Klassen's Hat Box






Le loup, le canard et la souris

The Wolf, the Duck, and the Mouse

Nous avons trouvé un chapeau

The Nest

Ce n'est pas mon chapeau

Sam and Dave Dig a Hole

Rendez-moi mon chapeau!

The Dark

This Is Not My Hat

House Held Up by Trees

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place: Book III
The Unseen Guest

Extra Yarn
A Caldecott Honor Award Winner

I Want My Hat Back

Cats' Night Out

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place: Book II
The Hidden Gallery

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place: Book I
The Mysterious Howling