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Children's Fiction Environment

Sometimes I Feel Like a River

by (author) Danielle Daniel

illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

Groundwood Books Ltd
Initial publish date
Mar 2023
Environment, Imagination & Play, Emotions & Feelings
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Mar 2023
    List Price
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Mar 2023
    List Price

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Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

  • Age: 3 to 6
  • Grade: p to 1


Following the huge success of Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox, this companion book is a lyrical celebration of our relationship to the natural world.

In each of twelve short poems, a child tells us how or why they feel like the sun, a river, a mountain, a cloud, the rain, a forest and more. Their deeply felt connections and identification with these wonders point to how much we are all part of the natural world. Each poem comes to life through vivid, playful illustrations that show the children immersed in their surroundings. The book serves as a gentle call to action — to notice, appreciate, preserve and protect our environment, while delighting in all its beauty.

A mindfulness activity — A Mindful Walk or Roll — invites young readers to use their senses to experience their surroundings to the fullest. Includes a brief author’s note that highlights our connections to the natural world.


Key Text Features

author’s note



procedural text


Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts:


Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).


Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.


Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.

About the authors


Danielle Daniel est une artiste métisse multidisciplinaire. Elle a écrit Parfois je suis un renard pour encourager son jeune fils à découvrir ses racines autochtones. Enseignante pendant de nombreuses années, Danielle travaille maintenant comme professeur d'art à temps partiel au Canada et aux États-Unis. Elle habite dans le nord de l'Ontario.


Danielle Daniel is an author and artist whose first picture book, Parfois je suis un renard, won the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award and was shortlisted for the First Nation Communities Read Award for aboriginal literature. A former elementary school teacher, Danielle is pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing through the University of British Columbia. Danielle lives in Sudbury, Ontario.


Danielle Daniel's profile page

Jos&eacutee Bisaillon a illustr&eacute plus de trente-cinq livres pour enfants et cr&eacute&eacute de nombreuses illustrations pour des magazines et des journaux. Elle a &eacutet&eacute finaliste au Prix litt&eacuteraire du Gouverneur g&eacuten&eacuteral &agrave deux reprises et a remport&eacute le prestigieux Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award pour The Snow Knows. Il s’agit du quatri&egraveme ouvrage de Jos&eacutee avec Orca, apr&egraves My Head in the Clouds et Bedtime 123 &eacutecrit par Eric Walters, un succ&egraves de librairie. Elle vit en banlieue de Montr&eacuteal avec sa famille.

Josée Bisaillon's profile page


  • Short-listed, IODE Jean Throop Book Award

Editorial Reviews

From feeling like the sun rising early and shining one's light on the earth to feeling like thunder as one booms and roars, these beautifully written poems incorporate onomatopoeia and other elements of figurative language to showcase how and why we are connected to marvels of the world. Josée Bisaillon's imaginative, vibrant illustrations—rendered in a mix of soft and wax pastels, cut paper, colored pencils, gouache, charcoal and digital art—dance across each double-page spread with a playfulness and simplicity that perfectly complements each poem.

School Library Connection

Sometimes I Feel Like a River establishes Daniel as a leading author in the mindfulness genre, a growing group of titles focused on helping kids understand their emotions and fall in love with their environments.

Montreal Review of Books

This refreshing series of poems reminds us of the natural world we live in and creates a longing to walk amongst the trees and to lie on one’s back and ponder the sky.

CM: Canadian Review of Materials

These lyrical verses encompass an arc of of emotions for each natural setting.

Canadian Children's Book News

Daniel and Bisaillon's splendid collaboration proves to be a powerful invitation to breathe in the great outdoors.

Shelf Awareness

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