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Danielle Daniel


Danielle Daniel est une artiste métisse multidisciplinaire. Elle a écrit Parfois je suis un renard pour encourager son jeune fils à découvrir ses racines autochtones. Enseignante pendant de nombreuses années, Danielle travaille maintenant comme professeur d'art à temps partiel au Canada et aux États-Unis. Elle habite dans le nord de l'Ontario.


Danielle Daniel is an author and artist whose first picture book, Parfois je suis un renard, won the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award and was shortlisted for the First Nation Communities Read Award for aboriginal literature. A former elementary school teacher, Danielle is pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing through the University of British Columbia. Danielle lives in Sudbury, Ontario.


Books by Danielle Daniel

Reasons to Look at the Night Sky

by (author) Danielle Daniel

I'm Afraid, Said the Leaf

by (author) Danielle Daniel
illustrated by Matt James

You Hold Me Up / Tú me sostienes

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Lawrence Schimel

Sometimes I Feel Like an Oak

by (author) Danielle Daniel
illustrated by Jackie Traverse

You Hold Me Up

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel

Sometimes I Feel Like a River

by (author) Danielle Daniel
illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

Parfois je suis un renard

illustrated by Danielle Daniel

Tú me sostienes

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Lawrence Schimel

Daughters of the Deer

by (author) Danielle Daniel

Forever Birchwood

A Novel

by (author) Danielle Daniel

Tu es là pour moi

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Rachel Martinez

You Hold Me Up / Gimanaadenim

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Angela Mesic & Margaret Noodin

Le Canada, c'est moi

by (author) Heather Patterson
illustrated by Geneviève Côté, Jon Klassen, Barbara Reid, Marie-Louise Gay, Ashley Spires, Irene Luxbacher, Jeremy Tankard, Ruth Ohi, Qin Leng, Danielle Daniel, Eva Campbell, Cale Atkinson & Doretta Groenendyk

I Am Canada: A Celebration

A Celebration

by (author) Heather Patterson
illustrated by Jon Klassen, Barbara Reid, Marie-Louise Gay, Danielle Daniel, Geneviève Côté, Ashley Spires, Qin Leng, Jeremy Tankard, Ruth Ohi, Irene Luxbacher, Eva Campbell, Cale Atkinson & Doretta Groenendyk

You Hold Me Up / ê-ohpiniyan

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Mary Cardinal Collins
edited by Cree Literacy Network

Parfois je suis un renard

illustrated by Danielle Daniel

You Hold Me Up Read-Along

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
read by Heather Gould

Once in a Blue Moon

illustrated by Danielle Daniel

The Dependent

A Memoir of Marriage and the Military

by (author) Danielle Daniel

Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox

by (author) Danielle Daniel