Browse Books in Social Science

Social Work in Africa
Exploring Culturally Relevant Education and Practice in Ghana

Sex, Lies, and Cigarettes
Canadian Women, Smoking, and Visual Culture, 1880-2000

Getting Used to the Quiet
Immigrant Adolescents' Journey to Belonging in New Brunswick, Canada

Trust, Democracy, and Multicultural Challenges

Tower of Babble, The
Sins, Secrets and Successes Inside the CBC

Multiculturalism Within a Bilingual Framework
Language, Race, and Belonging in Canada

Idols in the East
European Representations of Islam and the Orient, 1100-1450

Tango on the Main

The Tower of Babble
Sins, Secrets and Successes Inside the CBC

An Edible Alberta Alphabet

An Edible Alberta Alphabet

Awakening the Spirit
Moving Forward in Child Welfare: Voices from the Prairies

About Canada: Disability Rights

No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples, Second Edition

Health Promotion in Canada, 3rd Edition
Critical Perspectives on Practice

No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples, Second Edition


Hard Choices
Financial Exclusion, Fringe Banks and Poverty in Urban Canada

No-Nonsense Guide to Equality

Nasty, Brutish, and Short
The lives of gang members in Canada

The Secret of the Crown
Canada's Affair With Royalty

Elements of Sociology with Companion DVD 2e / Making Sense in Social Science 5e Pack
A Critical Canadian Introduction

A Haida Manga

Emotions Matter
A Relational Approach to Emotions