Browse Books in Social Science

Strangers in the Land
The Ukrainian Presence in Cape Breton

Creative Subversions
Whiteness, Indigeneity, and the National Imaginary

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V20 #2

Music and Globalization
Critical Encounters

Secularism Soviet Style
Teaching Atheism and Religion in a Volga Republic

The Meaning of Puck
How Hockey Explains Modern Canada

Troubling Sex
Towards a Legal Theory of Sexual Integrity

Gambling for Profit
Lotteries, Gaming Machines, and Casinos in Cross-National Focus

Our War on Ourselves
Rethinking Science, Technology, and Economic Growth

Engendering Migrant Health
Canadian Perspectives

Human Ecology of the Canadian Prairie Ecozone 11,000 to 300 BP

Social Work, Social Justice, and Human Rights
A Structural Approach to Practice, Second Edition

Time and the Suburbs
The Politics of Built Environments and the Future of Dissent

Practicing Feminist Mothering

Jewels of the Qila
The Remarkable Story of an Indo-Canadian Family

Come From Away
Nurses who Immigrated to Newfoundland and Labrador

Be a Good Soldier
Children's Grief in English Modernist Novels

Us, Them, and Others
Pluralism and National Identity in Diverse Societies

A Wilder West
Rodeo in Western Canada

Everyone Says No
Public Service Broadcasting and the Failure of Translation

First Woman

Grace Shiver

Long March Home, The

Conflict in Caledonia
Aboriginal Land Rights and the Rule of Law