Browse Books in Social Science

Beyond Caring Labour to Provisioning Work
New Perspective on Women's Work

Rethinking Unequal Exchange
The Global Integration of Nursing Labour Markets

Mediating Moms
Mothers in Popular Culture

The Language of This Land, Mi'kma'ki

The Accidental Captives
The Story of Seven Women Alone in Nazi Germany

The Religions of Canadians

Wadi el Hasa Archaeological Survey 1979-1931, West-Central Jordan

Rites of Spring
The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age

The Sweet Sixteen
The Journey That Inspired the Canadian Women's Press Club

Different Gods
Integrating Non-Christian Minorities into a Primarily Christian Society

Remodelling Communication
From WWII to the WWW

Sport and Peace
A Sociological Perspective

Canadian Perspectives in Sexualities Studies
Identities, Experiences, and the Contexts of Change

Problem Gambling in Canada

Dimensions of Development
History, Community, and Change in Allpachico, Peru

The Land Has Changed
History, Society, and Gender in Colonial Nigeria

The Violence of Victimhood

Baba's Kitchen Medicines
Folk Remedies of Ukrainian Settlers in Western Canada

I Hope I Join the Band
Narrative, Affiliation, and Antiraciset Rhetoric

Writing the Dark Side of Travel
Maurice GodelierÂ's Work in Context

Racialized Policing
Aboriginal People’s Encounters with the Police

Preserving What Is Valued
Museums, Conservation, and First Nations

Euphoria & Dystopia
The Banff New Media Institute Dialogues

Nooksack Place Names
Geography, Culture, and Language