Browse Books in Social Science

First, Do Less Harm
Harm Reduction as a Principle of Law and Policy

Indigenous Healing as Paradox
Re-Membering and Biopolitics in the Settler Colony

Rethinking Feminist History and Theory
Essays on Gender, Class, and Labour

Streaming by the Rest of Us
Microstreaming Videogames on Twitch

Titans of Industrial Agriculture
How a Few Giant Corporations Came to Dominate the Farm Sector and Why It Matters

The Thin Edge of Innovation
Metro Vancouver’s Evolving Economy

Stitching Our Stories Together
Journeys into Indigenous Social Work

Digital News and HIV Criminalization
The Social Organization of Convergence Journalism

Disability Politics and Theory
Revised and Expanded Edition

In the Light of Dawn
The History and Legacy of a Black Canadian Community

Thinking Systematics
Critical-Dialectical Reasoning for a Perilous Age and a Case for Socialism

A Political Economy of Canadian Broadcasting
Public Good versus Private Profit

Openings and Closures: Socialist Strategy at a Crossroads
The Socialist Register 2025

Sharing the River of Life

Social Work Practice in Autism and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Searching for Serafim
The Life and Legacy of Serafim "Joe" Fortes

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V34, #1

The Crisis of Social Reproduction
Silvia Federici and Mariarosa Dalla Costa in conversation with Louise Toupin

Podcast Studies
Practice into Theory

Eros and Alienation
Capitalism and the Making of Gendered Sexualities

Cold Glitter
The Untold Story of Canadian Glam

Unmothering Autism
Ethical Disruptions and Affirming Care

Decolonizing the Palestinian Mind

Elements of Indigenous Style
A Guide for Writing By and About Indigenous Peoples