Browse Books in Political Science

Negotiating Buck Naked
Doukhobors, Public Policy, and Conflict Resolution

In Search of Canadian Political Culture

Diversity and Equality
The Changing Framework of Freedom in Canada

Japan's Emergence as a Modern State - 60th anniv. ed.
Political and Economic Problems of the Meiji Period

Decision at Midnight
Inside the Canada-US Free-Trade Negotiations

The Courts

The Oriental Question
Consolidating a White Man's Province, 1914-41

Critical Policy Studies

The Triumph of Citizenship
The Japanese and Chinese in Canada, 1941-67

Shifting Boundaries
Aboriginal Identity, Pluralist Theory, and the Politics of Self-Government

The Middle Power Project
Canada and the Founding of the United Nations

Community Mental Health in Canada
Policy, Theory, and Practice

A Contemporary Analysis of Policies, Programs, and Practices

The Roots of Ukrainian Nationalism
Galicia as Ukraine's Piedmont

Falling Into Place

Canada and the Changing Arctic
Sovereignty, Security, and Stewardship
The Patriation Minutes

Dependent America?
How Canada and Mexico Construct US Power

Policy Paradigms, Transnationalism, and Domestic Politics

L’ État néopatrimonial
Genèse et trajectoires contemporaines

Room for All of Us
Surprising Stories Of Loss And Transformation

Feminist Community Research
Case Studies and Methodologies

A Hard Man to Beat
The Story of Bill White: Labour Leader, Historian Shipyard Worker, Raconteur