Browse Books in Political Science

Cold War Fighters
Canadian Aircraft Procurement, 1945-54
The Political Economy of Productivity
Thai Agricultural Development, 1880-1975

Canadian Foreign Policy and the Law of Sea

Pacifism in Japan
The Christian and Socialist Tradition

Cities with Slums
From Informal Settlement Eradication to a Right to the City in Africa

Social Capital, Diversity, and the Welfare State

Mega Urban Regions of Southeast Asia

Grassroots Politicians
Party Activists in British Columbia

Political Parties

Canadian Oceans Policy
National Strategies and the New Law of the Sea

Regionalism, Multilateralism, and the Politics of Global Trade

Sustainable Production
Building Canadian Capacity

Talk and Log
Wilderness Politics in British Columbia

Mr. Smith Goes to Ottawa
Life in the House of Commons
Rethinking Federalism
Citizens, Markets, and Governments in a Changing World

From World Order to Global Disorder
States, Markets, and Dissent

Tammarniit (Mistakes)
Inuit Relocation in the Eastern Arctic, 1939-63
Once Upon an Oldman
Special Interest Politics and the Oldman River Dam

If I Had a Hammer
Retraining That Really Works

Sex Workers in the Maritimes Talk Back

In Search of Sustainability
British Columbia Forest Policy in the 1990s

Last Word
Media Coverage of the Supreme Court of Canada

The Culture of Flushing
A Social and Legal History of Sewage

Passing the Buck
Federalism and Canadian Environmental Policy