Browse Books in Political Science

Japan's Foreign Policy

Pepper in Our Eyes
The APEC Affair

Racing to the Bottom?
Provincial Interdependence in the Canadian Federation

Multiculturalism and the Foundations of Meaningful Life
Reconciling Automony, Identity, and Community

Sanctuary, Sovereignty, Sacrifice
Canadian Sanctuary Incidents, Power, and Law

Canada-United States Trade in Forest Products

Politics of Agricultural Co-Operativism
Peru, 1969-1983

White Gold
Hydroelectric Power in Canada

Rights, Social Citizenship, and Legal Activism

Guarding the Gates
The Canadian Labour Movement and Immigration, 1872-1934

The Myth of the North American City
Continentalism Challenged

Cabinets and First Ministers

“Here Is Hell”
Canada's Engagement in Somalia
Whose North?
Political Change, Political Development, and Self Government in the Northwest Territories

Tribal Boundaries in the Nass Watershed

Collective Insecurity
The Liberian Crisis, Unilateralism, and Global Order

Cycling into Saigon
The Conservative Transition in Ontario

The Origins of Canadian Politics
A Comparative Approach

First Do No Harm
Making Sense of Canadian Health Reform



Governing Ourselves?
The Politics of Canadian Communities

The Other Quiet Revolution
National Identities in English Canada, 1945-71

Roasting Chestnuts
The Mythology of Maritime Political Culture