Browse Books in Political Science

New Directions in Saskatchewan Public Policy

The Canadian Federal Election of 2011

Dialogues on Political Parties and Civil Society in Federal Countries

Power Failure?

Brokering Empire
Trans-Imperial Subjects between Venice and Istanbul

The Environmental Rights Revolution
A Global Study of Constitutions, Human Rights, and the Environment

Health in Rural Canada

Women and Property in Urban India

Life After Forty, Après quarante ans
Official Languages Policy in Canada, Les politiques de langue officielle au Canada

The Federal Idea
Essays in Honour of Ronald L. Watts

Our Union
UAW/CAW Local 27 from 1950 to 1990

Embracing Democracy in the Western Balkans
From Postconflict Struggles toward European Integration

The GCC and the International Relations of the Gulf
Diplomacy, Security and Economic Coordination in a Changing Middle East

Time and the Suburbs
The Politics of Built Environments and the Future of Dissent

A People's Citizenship Guide
A Response to Conservative Canada

Canada's Constitutional Monarchy
An Introduction to Our Form of Government

A Political Theory of Animal Rights

Us, Them, and Others
Pluralism and National Identity in Diverse Societies

Whose Streets?
The Toronto G20 and the Challenges of Summit Protest

Whose Streets?
The Toronto G20 and the Challenges of Summit Protest

The Idea of Enlightenment
A Postmortem Study

Season In Hell
My 130 Days in the Sahara with Al Qaeda

Principles of Tsawalk
An Indigenous Approach to Global Crisis

In The Balance
The Administration of Justice and National Security in Democracies