Browse Books in Political Science

Birth of a Boom: Saskatchewan's Dawning Golden Age

Haïti aujourd'hui, Haïti demain
Regards croisés

Offshore Petroleum Politics
Regulation and Risk in the Scotian Basin

Integration and Inclusion of Newcomers and Minorities across Canada

Against Orthodoxy
Studies in Nationalism

How Ottawa Spends, 2011–2012
Trimming Fat or Slicing Pork?

How Ottawa Spends, 2011-2012
Trimming Fat or Slicing Pork?

On to Civvy Street
Canada's Rehabilitation Program for Veterans of the Second World War

Feminist Ethics and Social Policy
Towards a New Global Political Economy of Care

Danny Williams, Please Come Back

Decade of Fear
Reporting from Terrorism's Grey Zone

Imperial Republics
Revolution, War and Territorial Expansion from the English Civil War to the French Revolution

Standing by the Ruins
Elegiac Humanism in Wartime and Postwar Lebanon

The Traffic in Babies
Cross-Border Adoption and Baby-Selling between the United States and Canada, 1930-1972

Crawling from the Wreckage

The Re-invention of the European Radical Right
Populism, Regionalism, and the Italian Lega Nord

The Great Reset
How New Ways of Living and Working Drive Post-Crash Prosperity

Elections in Dangerous Places
Democracy and the Paradoxes of Peacebuilding

Fostering Nation?
Canada Confronts Its History of Childhood Disadvantage

Caledonia's Nightmare of Fear and Anarchy, and How the Law Failed All of Us

Recounting Migration
Political Narratives of Congolese Young People in Uganda

Rediscovering Thomas Adams
Rural Planning and Development in Canada

State Building in Revolutionary Ukraine
A Comparative Study of Governments and Bureaucrats, 1917-1922