Browse Books in Political Science

Dallas '63
The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House

Innovating South-South Cooperation
Policies, Challenges and Prospects

Back to Blakeney
Revitalizing the Democratic State

Back to Blakeney
The Revitalization of the Democratic State

Living with China
A Middle Power Finds Its Way

The Canadian Environment in Political Context, Second Edition

Maximum Canada
Toward a Country of 100 Million

La Constitution canadienne

Life Examined: Foundational Themes in Ethical and Socio-Political Thought

A Samaritan State Revisited
Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid

A Human Rights Based Approach to Development in India

A Man of Parliament
Selected Speeches from Joe Clark

Absent Mandate
Strategies and Choices in Canadian Elections

The Education of a Prime Minister

Westray (French Edition)

Women on the Ballot
Pathways to Political Power

The Terror of the Unforeseen

The United States and Canada
How Two Democracies Differ and Why It Matters

African Canadian Leadership
Continuity, Transition, and Transformation

The Politics of Violence in Latin America

Political, Historical, and Literary Writings
Duty and Choice
The Evolution of the Study of Voting and Voters

British colony, imperial capital

I'm Right and You're an Idiot - 2nd Edition
The Toxic State of Public Discourse and How to Clean it Up