Browse Books in Political Science
The Emergence of the Federal Concept in Canada 1839-1845
The Union Nationale
Quebec Nationalism from Duplessis to Levesque
Church and the State in Canada West, 1841-1867
The Anatomy of a Party
The National CCF 1932-61
Federalism and the Canadian Economic Union

Canada is Not Back
How Justin Trudeau is in over his head on foreign policy

Canadian Culture in a Globalized World
The impact of trade deals on Canada's cultural life

Critical Perspectives on Suburban Infrastructures
Contemporary International Cases

Dealing with Peace
The Guatemalan Campesino Movement and the Post-Conflict Neoliberal State

Undiplomatic History
The New Study of Canada and the World
Law, Foreign Policy, and the East-West Détente

Soldiers of the International
A History of the Communist Party of Canada, 1919-1929
The Mackenzie King Record Volume 2, 1944/45

Mental Health in Public Affairs
A Report of the Fifth International Congress on Mental Health 1954 Under the Auspices of the World Federation for Mental Health
Administrators in Action, Vol. 2

Politics Rules
Power, Globalization and Development

English Character and the English Literary Tradition

State Intervention and Assistance in Collective Bargaining
The Canadian Experience, 1943-1954

Women's Suffrage and Party Politics in Britain, 1866-1914
Community Chest
A Case Study in Philanthropy
Society and Pauperism
English Ideas on Poor Relief, 1795-1834
The Government of Prince Edward Island
Soldiers and Politicians
A Protest Movement Becalmed
A Study of Change in the CCF