Browse Books in Political Science

Bootstraps Need Boots
One Tory’s Lonely Fight to End Poverty in Canada

Geography's Quantitative Revolutions
Edward A. Ackerman and the Cold War Origins of Big Data

Innovation + Equality
How to Create a Future That Is More Star Trek Than Terminator

Frenemy Nations
Love and Hate between Neighbo(u)ring States

Feminist City
A Field Guide

La démocratie au Canada
L'effritement de nos institutions

Democratic Equality
What Went Wrong?

Islamophobia in the True North

Canada: The State of the Federation 2017
Canada at 150: Federalism and Democratic Renewal

A Hermeneutics of Violence
A Four-Dimensional Conception

Power Play
Professional Hockey and the Politics of Urban Development

Let ’Em Howl
Lessons from a Life in Backroom Politics

If You Ask Me
Reflections of a Canadian Conservative 2004-2018

Provincial Battles, National Prize?
Elections in a Federal State

The Age of Voter Rage

Culture and the Soldier
Identities, Values, and Norms in Military Engagements

Good Governance in Economic Development
International Norms and Chinese Perspectives

Cabinets, Ministers, and Gender

Understanding the Manitoba Election 2019
Campaigns, Participation, and Issues

Violence and Militants
From Ottoman Rebellions to Jihadist Organizations

Had It Coming
What's Fair in the Age of #MeToo?

From Where I Stand
Rebuilding Indigenous Nations for a Stronger Canada

Politics of Empowerment
Disability Rights and the Cycle of American Policy Reform

On Fire
The Burning Case for a Green New Deal