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Browse Books in Political Science

Let the People Speak

Oppression in a Time of Reconciliation

by (author) Sheilla Jones

Les Cahiers du Journalisme, V.2, NO3

La santé mentale dans les médias

edited by Bertrand Labasse, Pierre Savary & Thierry Watine

The Communist Movement at a Crossroads

Plenums of the Communist International's Executive Committee, 1922-1923

edited by Mike Taber
translated by John Riddell

Social Justice and Israel/Palestine

Foundational and Contemporary Debates

edited by Aaron Hahn Tapper & Mira Sucharov

The Rise of Populism

The Munk Debates

by (author) Stephen K. Bannon & David Frum
edited by Rudyard Griffiths

Protest and Democracy

edited by Moises Arce & Roberta Rice

Rethinking the Spectacle

Guy Debord, Radical Democracy, and the Digital Age

by (author) Devin Penner

House Divided

How the Missing Middle Will Solve Toronto's Affordability Crisis

edited by Alex Bozikovic, Cheryll Case, John Lorinc & Annabel Vaughan

Métis Politics and Governance in Canada

by (author) Kelly Saunders & Janique Dubois

House Divided

edited by Alex Bozikovic, Cheryll Case, John Lorinc & Annabel Vaughan

Florentine Political Writings from Petrarch to Machiavelli

edited by Mark Jurdjevic, Natasha Piano & John P. McCormick

Italian Politics and Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture

by (author) Patricia Cove

Au temps de la « révolution acadienne »

Les marxistes-léninistes en Acadie

by (author) Philippe Volpé & Julien Massicotte

Postnormal Conservation

Botanic Gardens and the Reordering of Biodiversity Governance

by (author) Katja Grötzner Neves

The Sleeping Giant Awakens

Genocide, Indian Residential Schools, and the Challenge of Conciliation

by (author) David B. MacDonald

Universality and Social Policy in Canada

edited by Daniel Beland, Gregory Marchildon & Michael J. Prince

Canadian Public-Sector Financial Management

Third Edition

by (author) Andrew Graham

Genre, féminismes et développement

Une trilogie en construction

edited by Charmain Levy & Andrea Martinez
contributions by Marie France Labrecque, Sirma Bilge, Christine Verschuur, Ochy Curiel, Sophie Tornhill, Christine Catarino, Nadia Abu-Zahra, Emily Regan Wills, Emma Swan, Simone Bohn, Nora Nagels, Fabienne Richard, Stéphanie Florquin, Myriam Dieleman, Marie De Brouwere, Anne E. Calvès, Isabelle Auclair, Sarah A. Radcliffe, Andrea Pequeño, Valentine Verdonck, Gülçin Erdi-Lelandais, Safaa Monqid, Nora Semmoud, Denise Beaulieu, Denyse Côté, Hélène Guétat-Bernard, Chantal Ndami, Denise Piché, Émilie Pinard, Maria del Rosario Ortiz Quijano, Isabelle Collet, Sophie Brière, Sophie M. Lavoie & Carmen Chouinard

Are We Done Fighting?

Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division

by (author) Matthew Legge
foreword by George Lakey

Democratic Rules of Order

Easy-to-Use Rules for Meetings of Any Size

by (author) Peg Francis & Fred Francis

Organized Violence

Capitalist Warfare in Latin America

edited by Dawn Paley & Simon Granovsky-Larsen

Soldier's Story

Revolutionary Writings by a New Afrikan Anarchist

by (author) Kuwasi Balagoon
edited by Matt Meyers & Karl Kersplebedeb

Shaping the Metropolis

Institutions and Urbanization in the United States and Canada

by (author) Zack Taylor

Political Corruption

The Underside of Civic Morality

by (author) Robert Alan Sparling

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