Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Gastro-modernism: Food, Literature, Culture
Food, Literature, Culture
Writing Beyond the End Times? / Écrire au-delà de la fin des temps “
The Literatures of Canada and Quebec / Les littératures au Canada et au Québec
Listening for the Dead Bells
Margin of Interest
Essays on English Language Poetry of the Maritimes
Toronto Trailblazers
Women in Canadian Publishing
The Italian Novella and Shakespeare's Comic Heroines
Sonnet's Shakespeare
Women's Writing in Canada
The Idea of the Labyrinth from Classical Antiquity through the Middle Ages
Erotics of Restraint, The
Essays on Literary Form
Moving Targets
Writing with Intent 1982–2004
Sharing the Past
The Reinvention of History in Canadian Poetry since 1960
Imagining Religious Toleration
A Literary History of an Idea, 1600-1830
Anne of Green Gables : The Original Manuscript
How L.M. Montgomery Shaped a Classic
The Reproduction of Life Death
Derrida's La vie la mort
Reading Sideways
The Queer Politics of Art in Modern American Fiction
Steve Gerber
Divided Highways
Road Narrative and Nationhood in Canada
Reconsidering Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little House and Beyond
John Murray's Quarterly Review
Letters 1807-1843
Regards sur les archives d’écrivains francophones au Canada
Italian Politics and Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture
Messy Eating
Conversations on Animals as Food
The Science of Shakespeare
A New Look at the Playwright's Universe