Browse Books in Literary Criticism
The Harmony of Verse
Gerhart Hauptmann
The Prose Plays
Love and Work Enough
The Life of Anna Jameson
Tradition in Exile
A Comparative Study of Social Influences on the Development of Australian and Canadian Poetry in the Nineteenth Century
The Return of Eden
Five Essays on Milton's Epics
Zola Before the Rougon-Macquart
Essays in English Literature from the Renaissance to the Victorian Age Presented to A.S.P. Woodhouse
Imitation & Design and Other Essays
George Chapman
A Critical Study
Aspects of Racinian Tragedy
Derniers Vers
The Modern Mexican Essay
The Comic Art of Laurence Sterne
Modernist Life Histories
Biological Theory and The Experimental Bildungsroman
Pugg's Portmanteau
Writing the New Woman
Engaging the Ottoman Empire
Vexed Mediations, 1690-1815
A World of Songs
Selected Poems, 1894-1921
Forgotten Italians
Julian-Dalmatian Writers and Artists in Canada
A Grain of Faith
Religion in Mid-Century British Literature
Children's Literature and Imaginative Geography
Avant Canada
Poets, Prophets, Revolutionaries
A Name for Herself
Selected Writings, 1891-1917
Unlikeness Is Us
Fourteen from the Exeter Book