Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Reconsidering Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little House and Beyond

John Murray's Quarterly Review
Letters 1807-1843

Regards sur les archives d’écrivains francophones au Canada
Italian Politics and Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture

Messy Eating
Conversations on Animals as Food

The Science of Shakespeare
A New Look at the Playwright's Universe

Queer as Camp
Essays on Summer, Style, and Sexuality



We Are Not Avatars
Essays, Memoirs, Manifestos
Posthuman Space in Samuel Beckett's Short Prose

Beautiful Untrue Things
Forging Oscar Wilde's Extraordinary Afterlife

Women, Art, and Literature in the Iranian Diaspora

The Gothic and death

Before I Was a Critic I Was a Human Being
Dualities in Shakespeare

Minor Greek Tragedians, Volume 1: The Fifth Century
Fragments from the Tragedies with Selected Testimonia

John Galt's Dramas
A Brief Review
Charles Mair
Literary Nationalist
Of Several Branches
Essays from the Humanities Association Bulletin
Hawthorne as Myth-Maker
Some Observations on Eighteenth Century Poetry

Patterns of Commitment in American Literature

Of Irony
Especially in Drama