Browse Books in History

La famille Fermanian
L’histoire du cinéma Pine de Sainte-Adèle

Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954

Try Not to Be Strange
The Curious History of the Kingdom of Redonda

Ron Thom, Architect
The Life of a Creative Modernist

Lifesavers and Body Snatchers
Medical Care and the Struggle for Survival in the Great War

Night without End
The Fate of Jews in German-Occupied Poland

A Tobacco Lawyer's Journey

The Betrayal of the Humanities
The University during the Third Reich

The Mighty Eighth
Masters of the Air over Europe 1942-45

May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth
Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition

The Shortest History of War
From Hunter-Gatherers to Nuclear Superpowers — A Retelling for Our Times

Vancouver Ltd.

Florida: A History In Pictures

John Rae, Arctic Explorer
The Unfinished Autobiography

Duty Done
Memories of Fairmont Barracks

Derriere l'histoire du chandail orange
Un recueil de temoignages livres par les proches de Phyllis Webstad racontant leur vie avant, pendant et apres leurs experiences dans les pensionnats autochtones.

Towards an Encyclopedia of Local Knowledge Volume II
Excerpts from Chapter III - Miawpukek

Valley of the Birdtail
An Indian Reserve, a White Town, and the Road to Reconciliation

A Social History of Western Political Thought

The Bible in Early Transatlantic Pietism and Evangelicalism

Qummut Qukiria!
Art, Culture, and Sovereignty Across Inuit Nunaat and Sápmi: Mobilizing the Circumpolar North

Hollywood in the Klondike
Dawson City’s Great Film Find

The Ukrainian-Russian Borderland
History versus Geography

The Series
What I Remember, What It Felt Like, What It Feels Like Now