Browse Books in History

War and Remembrance
Recollecting and Representing War

Water from Dragon's Well
The History of a Korean-Canadian Church Relationship

Unsettling Canadian Art History

Florence Nightingale and the Medical Men
Working Together for Health Care Reform

Patterns of Plague
Changing Ideas about Plague in England and France, 1348-1750

La guerre d'indépendance des Canadas
Démocratie, républicanismes et libéralismes en Amérique du Nord

Pioneer Churches along the Gold Rush Trail
An Explorer’s Guide

More than Parcels
Wartime Aid for Jews in Nazi-Era Camps and Ghettos

Deindustrializing Montreal
Entangled Histories of Race, Residence, and Class

Deadly Neighbours
A Tale of Colonialism, Cattle Feuds, Murder and Vigilantes in the Far West

Canada's Past and Future in Latin America

An Irish Heart
How A Small Immigrant Community Shaped Canada

But I Live
Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust

Revolutionary Aftereffects
Material, Social, and Cultural Legacies of 1917 in Russia Today

Bilingual Legacies
Father Figures in Self-Writing from Barcelona


Canadian Spy Story
Irish Revolutionaries and the Secret Police

Wilson Duff
Coming Back, a Life

Woman, Watching
Louise de Kiriline Lawrence and the Songbirds of Pimisi Bay

Woman, Watching
Louise de Kiriline Lawrence and the Songbirds of Pimisi Bay

Called to Testify
The Big Story in My Small Life

The Prime Ministers of Canada

Les Premiers Ministres du Canada

An Ancient People, a Troubled History, and One Last Chance for Peace