Browse Books in History

An Illustrated History

A Legacy of Exploitation
Early Capitalism in the Red River Colony, 1763–1821

From the Theater to the Plaza
Spectacle, Protest, and Urban Space in Twenty-First-Century Madrid

Across Greenland's Ice Cap
The Remarkable Swiss Scientific Expedition of 1912

Harriet’s Legacies
Race, Historical Memory, and Futures in Canada

The Ones We Let Down
Toxic Leadership Culture and Gender Integration in the Canadian Forces

Making Ukraine
Negotiating, Contesting, and Drawing the Borders in the Twentieth Century

A Light in the Clouds

Jackson's Wars
A.Y. Jackson, the Birth of the Group of Seven, and the Great War

Harriet's Legacies
Race, Historical Memory, and Futures in Canada

Villain, Vermin, Icon, Kin
Wolves and the Making of Canada

Soviet Samizdat
Imagining a New Society

Myths of Modern History
From the French Revolution to the 20th century world wars and the Cold War - new perspectives on key events

Pour sortir les allumettières de l’ombre
Les ouvrières de la manufacture d’allumettes E. B. Eddy de Hull (1854-1928)

Something within Me
A Personal and Political Memoir

Antarctic Pioneer
The Trailblazing Life of Jackie Ronne

Never Say P*g
The Book of Sailors’ Superstitions

A Dance Called America
The Scottish Highlands, the United States and Canada

Alberta's Cornerstone
Archaeological Adventures in Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park

Kiss the Red Stairs
The Holocaust, Once Removed

Tales from the Homestead
A History of Prairie Pioneers, 1867–1914

The Boy in the Woods
A True Story of Survival During the Second World War

Strangest Dream, The
Canadian Communists, the Spy Trials, and the Cold War