Browse Books in History

Liquor and the Liberal State
Drink and Order before Prohibition

The Pen, the Sword, and the Law
Dueling and Democracy in Uruguay

The Medieval Devil
A Reader

When Trains Ruled the Kootenays
A Short History of Railways in Southeastern British Columbia

In Those Days: Inuit and Explorers

From Left to Right
Saskatchewan's Political and Economic Transformation

Nova Scotia’s Historic Inland Communities
The Gathering Places and Settlements that Shaped the Province

The Joint Arctic Weather Stations
Science and Sovereignty in the High Arctic, 1946-1972

Henry Daniel and the Rise of Middle English Medical Writing

Feeling Feminism
Activism, Affect, and Canada’s Second Wave

The Gifts of Africa
How a Continent and Its People Changed the World

Search for the Unknown
Canada’s UFO Files and the Rise of Conspiracy Theory

The Summer Trade
A History of Tourism on Prince Edward Island

Zapantera Negra
An Artistic Encounter Between Black Panthers and Zapatistas (New & Updated Edition)

Search for the Unknown
Canada's UFO Files and the Rise of Conspiracy Theory

Why Would I Be Married Here?
Marriage Migration and Dispossession in Neoliberal India

Killing Bugs for Business and Beauty
Canada's Aerial War against Forest Pests, 1913-1930

The Sas 'Deniables'
Special Forces Operations, denied by the Authorities, from Vietnam to the War on Terror

My Grandfather's Knife
Hidden Stories from the Second World War

Looking for Alicia
The Unfinished Life of an Argentinian Rebel

Nova Scotia's Historic Inland Communities
The Gathering Places and Settlements that Shaped the Province

Don't Cry
The Enlhet History of the Chaco War

Out of Hiding
Holocaust Literature of British Columbia

Religion at the Edge
Nature, Spirituality, and Secularity in the Pacific Northwest