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Books from this publisher

The Weight of Snow

by (author) Christian Guay-Poliquin
translated by David Homel


by (author) Sean Harris Oliver & Raes Calvert

Chile Con Carne and Other Early Works

Chile Con Carne, ¿QUE PASA with LA RAZA, eh?, and In a Land Called I Don’t Remember

by (author) Carmen Aguirre


Poems Collected and New

by (author) Roy Miki
edited by Michael Barnholden

1 Hour Photo

by (author) Tetsuro Shigematsu

Thanks for Giving

by (author) Kevin Loring


a poem as long as the river

by (author) Fred Wah & Rita Wong

He Speaks Volumes

A Biography of George Bowering

by (author) Rebecca Wigod

Seven Sacred Truths

by (author) Wanda John-Kehewin

The Mystery Play

by (author) Josh MacDonald

Treaty 6 Deixis

by (author) Christine Stewart

Almost Islands

Phyllis Webb and the Pursuit of the Unwritten

by (author) Stephen Collis

Around Her

by (author) Sophie Bienvenu
translated by Rhonda Mullins

The Eyelash and the Monochrome

by (author) Tiziana La Melia

Sir John A.

Acts of a Gentrified Ojibway Rebellion

by (author) Drew Hayden Taylor

Finding Mr. Wong

by (author) Susan Crean

Nine Dragons

by (author) Jovanni Sy


by (author) Deni Ellis Béchard

Talker's Town and The Girl Who Swam Forever

Two Plays

by (author) Marie Clements & Nelson Gray

King Arthur's Night and Peter Panties

A Collaboration Across Perceptions of Cognitive Difference

by (author) Marcus Youssef & Niall McNeil
introduction by Al Etmanski

Checking In

by (author) Adeena Karasick


by (author) Joan MacLeod


Sonnets of Louise Labé and Guido Cavalcanti

by (author) Edward Byrne

Kuei, My Friend

A Conversation on Race and Reconciliation

translated by Deni Ellis Béchard
by (author) Natasha Kanape Fontaine

The Green Chamber

by (author) Martine Desjardins
translated by Fred A. Reed & David Homel

Safety Sand

by (author) Garry Thomas Morse

The Art of Building a Bunker

by (author) Guillermo Verdecchia & Adam Lazarus


The Collected Earlier Poems 1968–2008

by (author) Daphne Marlatt
edited by Susan Holbrook

After Class

Parents Night and The Bigger Issue

by (author) George F. Walker
introduction by Wesley Berger


by (author) Chantal Bilodeau
foreword by Una Chaudhuri
introduction by Tael Naess


by (author) Sean Devine

Prison Industrial Complex Explodes

by (author) Mercedes Eng

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