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Books from this publisher


The Collected Earlier Poems, 1962–1991

by (author) Fred Wah
introduction by Jeff Derksen

Spectacle of Empire

Marc Lescarbot's Theatre of Neptune in New France

by (author) Jerry Wasserman

Waiting for the Parade

by (author) John Murrell

Cerulean Blue

by (author) Drew Hayden Taylor

The United States of Wind ebook

Travels in America

by (author) Daniel Canty
translated by Oana Avasilichioaei

Rom Com

by (author) Dina Del Bucchia & Daniel Zomparelli


by (author) Rahat Kurd


by (author) Marcus Youssef
foreword by Dennis Foon

Takeover in Tehran

The Inside Story of the 1979 U.S. Embassy Capture

by (author) Massoumeh Ebtekar
with Fred A. Reed

Impeccable Regret

by (author) Judith Fitzgerald
introduction by Thomas Dilworth

The United States of Wind

Travels in America

by (author) Daniel Canty
translated by Oana Avasilichioaei

Writing the Okanagan

by (author) George Bowering

Prairie Harbour

by (author) Garry Thomas Morse

Peacock Blue

The Collected Poems

by (author) Phyllis Webb
edited by John F. Hulcoop

The Divine

A Play for Sarah Bernhardt

by (author) Michel Marc Bouchard
translated by Linda Gaboriau

Salonica Terminus

Travels into the Balkan Nightmare

by (author) Fred A. Reed

Bambi and Me

by (author) Michel Tremblay
translated by Sheila Fischman

Dead Metaphor

Three Plays

by (author) George F. Walker

Winners and Losers

by (author) Marcus Youssef & James Long

Canada: A New Tax Haven

How the Country That Shaped Caribbean Tax Havens is Becoming One Itself

by (author) Alain Deneault
translated by Catherine Browne

As Always

A Memoir of a Life in Writing

by (author) Madeleine Gagnon
translated by Phyllis Aronoff & Howard Scott

Lily Briscoe

by (author) Mary Meigs

The Box Closet ebook

by (author) Mary Meigs

That Summer

by (author) David French

Tales of the Emperor

by (author) Jack Winter

Signs of Literature

Language, Ideology, and the Literary Text

by (author) Kenneth James Hughes

The St. Leonard Chronicles

by (author) Steve Galluccio

The Keeper's Daughter ebook

Rose and the Archipelago of Shifting Memories

by (author) Jean-François Caron
translated by W. Donald Wilson

The Keeper's Daughter

Rose and the Archipelago of Shifting Memories

by (author) Jean-François Caron
translated by W. Donald Wilson

I, Bartleby

by (author) Meredith Quartermain

Get Me Out of Here

by (author) Sachiko Murakami

Odd Ducks

by (author) Bryden MacDonald

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