RMB: London Book Fair 2013
RMB is excited to once again be attending the 2013 London Book Fair in April. Our list of offerings for foreign publishers continues to grow and our successes in foreign markets is really exciting. Please check out of foreign rights list and come visit us in the International Rights Centre at the London Book Fair (table 25c).


Keeper of the Mountains
The Elizabeth Hawley Story

Where the Clouds Can Go

Expedition to the Edge
Stories of Worldwide Adventure

Gaiety of Spirit
The Sherpas of Everest

An Adventurous Woman Abroad
The Selected Lantern Slides of Mary T.S. Schaffer

Outdoor Safety & Survival

GPS Made Easy
Using Global Positioning Systems in the Outdoors

Wild Horses, Wild Wolves
Legends at Risk at the Foot of the Canadian Rockies

Wolves Unleashed

The Will of the Land

A Delicate Art
Artists, Wildflowers and Native Plants of the West

Prairie Gothic
Photographs by George Webber

Cowboy Wild

Bears Without Fear
Without Fear

Cold Matters
The State and Fate of Canada's Fresh Water

Restoring the Flow
Confronting the World's Water Woes

Gift Ecology
Reimagining a Sustainable World

Becoming Water
Glaciers in a Warming World

Digging the City
An Urban Agriculture Manifesto

Little Black Lies
Corporate & Political Spin in the Global War for Oil

Ethical Water
Learning to Value What Matters Most

Denying the Source
The Crisis of First Nations Water Rights

The Incomparable Honeybee and the Economics of Pollination
Revised & Updated