Browse Books in Media Studies

Words Have a Past
The English Language, Colonialism, and the Newspapers of Indian Boarding Schools

In the News, 3rd edition
The Practice of Media Relations in Canada

Opening the Government of Canada
The Federal Bureaucracy in the Digital Age

Transgression in Games and Play

Playing Smart
On Games, Intelligence, and Artificial Intelligence

Public Influence
A Guide to Op-Ed Writing and Social Media Engagement

School Broadcasting in Canada

Beyond the Sea
Navigating Bioshock

Political Economy in the Modern State

A Digital Bundle
Protecting and Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Online

On the Virtues of Utter Disagreeability

The Adman's Dilemma
From Barnum to Trump

Mudflat Dreaming
Waterfront Battles and the Squatters Who Fought Them in 1970s Vancouver

The Adman's Dilemma
From Barnum to Trump

Social Networks and Surveillance for Society

Comics and Adaptation

The Wrong Story
Palestine, Israel and the Media

The Radio Eye
Cinema in the North Atlantic, 1958-1988

Machine Learning Techniques for Online Social Networks

The Medium Is the Monster
Canadian Adaptations of Frankenstein and the Discourse of Technology

The Republic of Games
Textual Culture between Old Books and New Media

It Doesn’t Suck

Diasporic Media beyond the Diaspora
Korean Media in Vancouver and Los Angeles

The Medium Is the Monster
Canadian Adaptations of <em>Frankenstein</em> and the Discourse of Technology