Browse Books in Media Studies

Digital Politics in Canada
Promises and Realities

Digital Lives in the Global City
Contesting Infrastructures

Who Are You?
Nintendo's Game Boy Advance Platform

Reclaiming the Internet for Civil Society

Superfluous Women
Art, Feminism, and Revolution in Twenty-First-Century Ukraine

The Quest for Meaning
A Guide to Semiotic Theory and Practice, Second Edition

Women's Activism and New Media in the Arab World

Net Privacy
How We Can Be Free in an Age of Surveillance

Won’t Get Fooled Again
A Graphic Guide to Fake News

In Truth
A History of Lies from Ancient Rome to Modern America

The End of the CBC?

Identity and Industry
Making Media Multicultural in Canada

Identity and Industry
Making Media Multicultural in Canada

Professional Wrestling in the Digital Age

Minds Alive
Libraries and Archives Now

Hinterland Remixed
Media, Memory, and the Canadian 1970s

Hinterland Remixed
Media, Memory, and the Canadian 1970s

Gorgeous War
The Branding War between the Third Reich and the United States

The Media Snatcher

Rethinking the Spectacle
Guy Debord, Radical Democracy, and the Digital Age

Recasting History
How CBC Television Has Shaped Canada's Past

AIDS, Fashion, and the Philanthropic Practices of MAC Cosmetics

Virtual Menageries
Animals as Mediators in Network Cultures

The Tangled Garden
A Canadian Cultural Manifesto for the Digital Age