Browse Books in Christian Ministry

Notre vie ne sera pas détruite (numérique PDF)
Homélies de funérailles

Xavier's Legacies
Catholicism in Modern Japanese Culture

The Helping Relationship
Healing and Change in Community Context

Pastoral Prayers to Share Year A
Prayers of the people for each Sunday of the church year

Les prêtres (numérique PDF)

40 façons de parler de Dieu (numérique PDF)

The Cross and the Rising Sun
Volume 2: The British Protestant Missionary Movement in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, 1865-1945

The Cross and the Rising Sun
The Canadian Protestant Missionary Movement in the Japanese Empire, 1872-1931

Go Deep
Spiritual Practices for Youth Ministry

Lectionary Story Bible Set
Year A, B, C

Lectionary Story Bible- Year C
Year C

40 façons de parler de Dieu

The Acceptable Year of the Lord: Preaching the Old Testament with Faith, Finesse and Fervour
Preaching the Old Testament with Faith, Finesse and Fervour

High School Ministry from A to Z

Missionaires Oblates
Vision et Mission
Les Missionaires Oblates
Vision et Mission

Les prêtres

Lectionary Story Bible- Year B
Year B

Healing Henan
Canadian Nurses at the North China Mission, 1888-1947

This United Church of Ours

A World of Faith
Introducing Spiritual Traditions to Teens

Modern Women Modernizing Men
The Changing Missions of Three Professional Women in Asia and Africa, 1902-69

That's the Way It Is.