Browse Books in Christian Ministry

Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents
A Selection

Moments in Time

Called to Community
The Life Jesus Wants for His People (Second Edition)

Caught in the Current
British and Canadian Evangelicals in an Age of Self-Spirituality

A Black American Missionary in Canada
The Life and Letters of Lewis Champion Chambers

Cathedral of Stars
A Memoir of Home & Faith on the Move

No Longer Strangers
Transforming Evangelism with Immigrant Communities

The Problem of Jesus
Answering a Skeptic's Challenges to the Scandal of Jesus

Little Theologians
Children, Culture, and the Making of Theological Meaning

Promise and Hope
Pastoral Theology in the Age of Mercy

The Joy of Keeping the Faith
Thriving in the Church after RCIA

L'ABC de la conversion pastorale avec Padre Coach (numérique ePub)

L'ABC de la conversion pastorale avec Padre Coach

Exporting the Rapture
John Nelson Darby and the Victorian Conquest of North American Evangelicalism

Survival Guide for the Soul
How to Flourish Spiritually in a World that Pressures Us to Achieve

Au risque de la conversion
L'expérience québécoise de la mission au XXe siècle (1945–1980)

Preaching in the Present Tense

Tous disciples-missionnaires! (numérique ePub)

Rénovation divine
Guide pratique du manuel de survie pour les paroisses

Tous disciples-missionnaires!

Off to a Good Start
Openers & Prayers for Church Meetings
Stories from an Urban Church

Messy Church
Fresh ideas for building a Christ-centred community

Starting Your Messy Church
A beginner's guide for churches